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Promoted from the Comments – Why can’t NH be like Utah when it comes to voting?

Not often do I say that NH ought to be doing something just because another State is. WE are NH – not some other State. Our culture (until the Progressives came rolling into NH in big numbers) is different, our outlook is different, our sense of volunteerism is different – we all could mention a … Read more


Ed Naile Gets His Man: NH AG Arrests Michael LaSean Lewis for Illegally Voting in New Hampshire

You can thank CNHT Chairman Ed Naile for the arrest of Michael LeSean Lewis. He did all the leg work on this and shared it on our pages. We’re not thanking the AG’s office; that was James O’Keefe’s good work. Embarrassing the crap out of that heel-dragging lot to get them to do something for a change.

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