Superintendent Mike Flynn, Call on Line One From Marcy Kelley

First, let me say how proud we are to have been invited to the ground floor of what has become an out-of-control burning sh!t wagon. It began in Bow, where parents who peacefully supported girls-only sports teams (by wearing pink wristbands with XX on them) received no-trespass orders for that “conduct.” A few weeks later, … Read more

US Dept of Educations Logo

The CDC’s Community School Model Under Scrutiny in Seabrook NH

The Federal Government is going through UNH to distribute money for Community Schools in New Hampshire. That money has been distributed to Manchester, Seabrook, Ringe, and Concord. Parents and taxpayers in those communities better pay close attention to what is happening in your school district.

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Town Clerk Ballot Hijinks in Hopkinton, New Hampshire

It looks like business as usual at the polls in New Hampshire, by which I mean we’ve got strange things happening. This story comes to us form the People’s Republic of Hopkinton.

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NH Democrat David Luneau (D) Merrimack Dist 10 - Screen Grab NH House Website

NH Representative David Luneau (D-Hopkinton) Files Legislation Against Parental Rights

In a recent statement by House Education Committee Vice-Chair Glenn Cordelli, had this to say about “Representative David Luneau’s (D-Hopkinton) plans to file legislation to limit school choice and cap Education Freedom Accounts for low-income families.”

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Parents child home school homework

Parents are Fighting Back Against Political Indoctrination in their Public School

It is amazing to watch, but parents across America are finally fighting back against the political bias disguised as education in their local public schools.

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Guest Post – Leigh MacNeil

There are two clear choices on Tuesday. We can continue down a path of big government, higher taxes and less freedom, or we can demand from our legislators a limited government with less spending, lower taxes and more freedom.

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