Going On Vacation, Leave Cookies For Squatters

How is this even a story in America? Have we lost every semblance of common sense that we can no longer distinguish between right and wrong at face value? Have we become so divisive that we must pick sides no matter how simplistic the situation is? Has society become so confused by victimhood that we no longer know what is legal or not?

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Good news out of Fayetteville, North Carolina!

It's called "the inalienable natural right to self-defense," you idiots.
It’s called “the inalienable natural right to self-defense,” you idiots.

Well, well, well: Once again an intended victim uses a GUN to save his life and that of his family. (Terrible, eh?)

This was a home-invasion by four criminal thugs. The homeowner killed two of them with a GUN. The other two are still on the loose as this is written.

You can read the whole story HERE.

Oh…and by the way…

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Free State lawyer in NH saves family and enforces U.S. Constitution in New Jersey

11-year-old Josh Moore and his new .22 rifle (AP photo)

Democrats and other regressives (not “progressives”; these people have nothing to do with “progress”) love to call names and tell lies about the Free State Project and its participants. That’s because Freestaters tend to revere the U.S Constitution and the Bill of Rights (which are inconveniences to regressives, who are statists to the core).

A demonstration of why the regressives hate Freestaters so much was just given when Evan Nappen, a lawyer, author, and 2nd Amendment expert—as well as Free State Project participant who moved to New Hampshire with his family several years ago—was called on an emergency basis Saturday night from New Jersey as a family was subjected to a late-night home invasion conducted by…

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