
The Negative Impact of Alcohol Abuse

Most people develop a taste for alcohol during their teens, often associated with attending parties with their peers. Unfortunately, the bad habit often carries over into their adult life and, as such, can put them at a greater risk for a serious illness, destroyed relationships, and a loss of income. Losing Your Job Drinking alcohol … Read more

GrokTV – Panel Discussion: Making your vote count – Q&A Part 2

by Skip

Continuing on with the Q & A session from yesterday’s Panel Discussion:

  • Request to GraniteGrok: can you do some video lessons on how to do”voting stuff”?
  • Frustration with the NH GOP
  • Losing the vote due to the culture in the Government schools
  • A shoutout to which is doing yeoman’s work on covering the Federal Government’s push to federalize local zoning ordinances (being pushed here in NH by NH GOP Secretary, Greg Carson (head honcho in HUD – see above “Frustration with the NH GOP)


“Grok, help us!                                                             Frustration with NH GOP

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