A spokesman for the Underworld Safety Council took the podium in Hades earlier this week to explain to an eager press corps why they have begun construction on a new border wall.
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No Virgins or Paradise for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – He is Going to Hell
I’m not sure if any Muslim ‘clerics’ have tried to spin this yet, but al-Baghdadi’s suicide was not an act of jihad. He killed himself and three children to avoid capture — no virgins or paradise for him.
Muslims who use Twitter….Are Going to Hell
Sheikh Abdul Latif Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh said Wednesday that Muslims who use Twitter or other social media have “lost this world and his afterlife,” as quoted byBBC News. Lost in the next world…they’re going to hell. But I bet…and I’m just guessing here..that if it is OK to lie, cheat, steal, kill, or do anything … Read more