
So, the NH Senate wishes to place ANOTHER unfunded mandate on towns and cities?

[Art.] 28-a. [Mandated Programs.] The state shall not mandate or assign any new, expanded or modified programs or responsibilities to any political subdivision in such a way as to necessitate additional local expenditures by the political subdivision unless such programs or responsibilities are fully funded by the state or unless such programs or responsibilities are approved … Read more

Tough week last week at the State House

by NH State Rep Dave Testerman  (R-Franklin) It was a long last week and somewhat frustrating. The House, overwhelmed by the Democrats passed a lot of silly and several dangerous laws. Here are just some of the sillyness: HB-558 and -560 ban plastic straws and bags. While I seldom use either of these, it is just … Read more


NH Democrats Pointless War on ‘Convenience’ Would Also “Ban” Plastic Shopping Bags

The business of government in the hands of a Democrat majority is to legislate away convenient, affordable, useful, free-market solutions (among other things). If it works for you, it doesn’t work for them. Take plastic shopping bags.

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The Viability of Principles (In the Womb of the Senate)

Over 40 states (including liberal states) have protections for pre-born children killed in the womb as a result of criminal act but some elected officials would rather take the low road bringing into question the “viability” of their principles in the ‘womb’ of the state senate.  

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