
House Election Committee Seems Ambivalent About Voter Fraud

A one-sentence bill to make our Statewide Voter Database Public (HB551) met with little enthusiasm during the zoom meeting on February 12th. My guess is they are not worried about the poor overburdened AG’s Office Elections Unit. You know, the public servants who will never test the failed Dominion AccuVote OS machines for tampering.

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NH Seal Mud Splat

Don’t Like Dirty Elections in NH? – I Need Your Help to Help You

Don’t like dirty elections in NH? Well, here is a way to clean them up. I call it – Transparency. Right here in front of you is an opportunity to shine a light on the out-of-state voters and out-of-date voter checklists in New Hampshire and bring us back the clean elections we enjoyed so many years ago.

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