Don’t Like Dirty Elections in NH? – I Need Your Help to Help You


Don’t like dirty elections in NH? Well, here is a way to clean them up. I call it – Transparency. Right here in front of you is an opportunity to shine a light on the out-of-state voters and out-of-date voter checklists in New Hampshire and bring us back the clean elections we enjoyed so many years ago.

Below is a proposed bill. It is one sentence long so lawyers will not find it easy to play with.

AN ACT relative to the statewide voter database.
SPONSORS: Rep. Kofalt, Hills. 4; Rep. Ammon, Hills. 40
COMMITTEE: Election Law

This bill requires that the statewide centralized voter registration database be made publicly available in electronic format free of charge, provided that the secretary of state may allow for limited exceptions where a compelling reason exists for doing so.


You need to remember these two names: Rep. James Kofalt, Hills. 4; Rep. Keith Ammon, Hills. 40. They are looking out for NH voters – the ones who live here, pay taxes, serve on juries – those voters.

Currently, the taxpayer-paid-for-statewide-database is not a public document as our NH State Constitution requires. There is no compelling reason to have the most accessible list of registered voters available to the people who PAY for it, are ON it, and who OWN it.

For God’s sake, these same names and addresses are, by law, on the counter or wall of all municipalities in NH! Then why can we not see the single most important record of all voters in our State?

The statewide voter database does not belong to the Secretary of State, the political parties, or the well-funded PACs.

I can get updated statewide databases from numerous states – for free – right here on my laptop.

But not NH.

To clean up elections and checklists you need information. Citizens can do that better than a certain group of state election officials who have been around way too long.

Can I count on your help – to help you?

The Bill will be heard on February 17, 2021. Public Hearing: 02/17/2021 11:00 am

Executive session on pending legislation may be held throughout the day (time permitting) from the time the committee is initially convened.

Pending: House Election Law Committee
Hearing: Feb 17 @ 11:00 am  (Please click this link to join the webinar.)
Text: Latest bill text (Introduced) [HTML]
Email the committee:

This could not be more simple.


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