
Your State House 6/11/21

June 11, 2021: This week, the House and Senate met to consider amendments to each other’s bills (the House on Senate amendments to House bills, and vice versa.) Since, in most cases, the changes were minor (wording changes, effective date changes, making it one senator on a committee rather than three) we agreed with most … Read more

Sununu Sun King Laughing

NH Senate’s Emergency Power’s Reform is “Nothing but Window Dressing with a New Paint Job.”

The US is moving from being a High Trust Society to one of Low Trust and nowhere is it easy to see than in politics. Both Consistency and Loyalty are hard to come by attributes – almost non-existent.

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RebuildNH Celebrates Bipartisan Effort to Restore Balance of Power in NH

EAST DERRY, N.H.—The N.H. House of Representatives overwhelmingly declared that no governor ought to use emergency powers the same way as Gov. Chris Sununu ever again, and passed a reform yesterday with a bi-partisan veto-proof majority that will make sure of this.

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