The Quest To Override Governor Sununu’s Gun Control Vetoes

Katherine Rogers and her cadre of Gun control freaks in Concord keep spinning yarns about reducing violence by gun control laws. What violence? Where specifically? The Governor vetoed their legislative screed. Now they will try and override that veto.

Assault Rep Katherine Rogers (D) Concord

Yes Indeed. It is pure nonsense. Fiction. A lie made out of whole cloth. The Leftist progressives up in Concord like Katherine Rogers and the Moms Demand Action crowd expect you to buy into that. Hook, line and sinker.

Governor Sununu was correct when he vetoed the three gun bills in Concord. Now the progressives in Concord are rallying the fellow travelers and the known rubber-spined RINOs to override the veto. They do not have the votes. Let us make sure we keep it that way.

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RED ALERT: Gun Control Bills in the Senate

From the Women’s Defense League: 4 GUN CONTROL BILLS WILL BE VOTED ON BY THE FULL SENATE on Thursday, May 23rd. HB 109, requiring background checks for private firearms sales AND transfers. This legislation will actually make it impossible for women to get gun safety training! This legislation will turn law-abiding citizens into criminals all … Read more

How Much $$ Did Michael Bloomberg Spend to Buy the NH Senate?

On Tuesday, April 30th, the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on three pieces of destructive gun control legislation that passed the Democrat-controlled house. NYC billionaire and Godfather of gun control, Michael Bloomberg, funder and founder of various gun control organizations like Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Moms Demand Action and Everytown for ‘Gun … Read more

Free For Me But Not For Thee

NH House members want to ski for free
not Weeeeee but Freeeeee!

In reporting on New Hampshire House Bill HB 514 –An Act relating to giving legislators a free ride–WMUR reports that it a) came out of committee with instructions to kill it (this is good) but b) that supporters of the bill claim that Members skiing for free at Canon Mountain–the Bill’s real purpose–doesn’t add costs to the Ski areas.

Supporters argue that lawmakers have open access to state parks which promotes awareness of the locations.

They say skiing at Cannon doesn’t add costs to the ski area and encourages members to experience that part of New Hampshire culture.

Yes, of course.  And that is, after all, why we elected them.  Though I do have some lingering questions…

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