It’s clear that Progressives are, in general, angrier about more things than Conservatives. I don’t understand this other than having a Savior complex in which EVERY STUPID thing has to be taken as a crisis and everyone besides themselves and their SJW-wrapped-up ideological kin must be made into second or third class citizens (if not demoted to evil subhumans).
Articles tagged as
Yes, Driving Is a Privilege and Not a Constitutional Value but Are Legislators Supposed to Determine Our Lives?
As the Declaration of Independence holds, the purpose of Government is to protect our Liberties and Freedoms. The Federal Government was limited to a few, distinct Powers.
What George Washington and the Political Response to COVID19 Have In Common
I’m reading ‘Young Washington’ by Peter Stark. It is a history of our first President in his early twenties. George makes a lot of mistakes (didn’t we all). One of them (nearly), in 1758, follows a months-long illness he can’t shake. The reason he had so much trouble?
You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Buy Ammo…
And that’s kind of the same thing. Right?