Rudy Giuliani on Hannity

Rudy Giuliani Tells Hannity Why Mueller Should Be Investigated

Two years of slam-dunk investigating by a crack-team of radical left-wing Trump haters has produced nothing. The Special Counsel has successfully framed a handful of folks over process crimes, none of it related to the investigation for which he was appointed. It’s not a total waste. The Mueller team has managed to prove FBI collusion in … Read more

NHRTL vs. Planned Parenthood

New Hampshire Right to Life has to return to court to find out if Planned Parenthood of New England is following federal protocols with regard to dispensing chemical abortion drugs. Jane Cormier from NHRTL explains that and another case, right after telling us about how she was on Hannity and part of a Frank Luntz … Read more

Competition Shooter Jessie Duff Takes Us To School

Nothing puts a debate about firearms into perspective like holes in sheet metal.  So here is professional shooter Jessie Duff showing us what kind of damage you can do with various weapons to make a point.  That the lefts caterwauling has no point.   H/T Laura Rambeau Lee –

Blogosphere line of the day – a cartoon character?

by Skip

I was listening to Hannity when he was interviewing / speaking with Sarah Palin when she had this line:

“These Republican operatives seem to have the fighting instinct of Mr. Snuffleupagus,”

The context:

“Al Sharpton says there’s a war on Blacks. Howard Dean says that there’s a war on Latinos. Then, of course, there’s a war on the poor — throwing granny over the cliff — and, you know, even Mitt Romney hates dogs because he put a kennel on top of the car,” Hannity said. “But yet Republicans don’t seem as willing to fight the same way. I’m a little concerned about it…why repudiate people who will fight fire with fire?”

…“This phony, hypocritical, one-sided call for a cease-fire by the left and their lapdogs in the media. These leftists politicians saying ‘that’s going to be off the table, that’s going to be off the table,’” she said. “And then for the Republican operatives who are high-paid consultants to candidates agreeing to take things off the table — that’s no battle plan for victory on our side — on the common-sense constitutionalist side. It’s ridiculous.”

These Republican operatives, Palin maintained, “seem to have the fighting instinct of Mr. Snuffleupagus,” a Sesame Street character whom she said was always hiding, backing down and running the other direction. This, Palin maintained, isn’t what America needs.

I agree.

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