NH Police Chiefs Have a Gun Raffle To Raise Money

“If we try to engineer outcomes, if we overturn tradition to make everyone the same, we ruin society. If we upset tradition to allow for an equal shot at the starting gate, everyone wins, except for the charlatans and would be dictators…” Ben Stein

Not being a fan of the New Hampshire Association of Chief’s of Police, I now find myself in a peculiar position defending them…Narrowly and singly on this issue, of course. The Chiefs will hold a raffle….”31 days of Guns,” in May, drawing one winner each day.

 Gun Raffles are nothing new in the Granite State. Two organizations I am the leader of  have hosted such gun raffles or “Thirty days of guns,” and the raffles have shown to be lucrative fund raisers for those organizations.

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Of Hand Wringing Hoplophobes, and Hollow Points

“Freedom isn’t for wimps.” —Neal Boortz

On Sunday, January 6, The Nashua Telegraph featured a, Letter to the Editor from Andrew Mazer of Hollis. Ordinarily, letters like Mazer’s are piss-poor subject matter for any edifying blog. But painfully, the nation is rife with Middle-aged sensitive new-aged progressive guys like Andy Mazer. We use to call them, “Whiners,” or, “Wimps.” Now they are called something else. Pick whatever “PC” label that doesn’t piss anyone off.  Just don’t call them wimps because you will have to go to PC rehab.

Mazer takes issues with a statistic

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On Anti-Gun Zombies And Purposeful Ignorance

“One cannot legislate the maniacs off the street… these maniacs can only be shut down by an armed citizenry. Indeed bad things can happen in nations where the citizenry is armed, but not as bad as those which seem to be threatening our disarmed citizenry in this country at this time.” —Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, Firearms Instructor, Writer, Patriot

A Flaming Liberal recently posited this to my friend and colleague Steve Mac Donald:

“So tell me, Steve — do we need “open carry” to defend ourselves? Do we need machine guns to defend ourselves? Do we need clips that allow pumping out 100 bullets in a minute to defend ourselves? Do Legislators need to be armed in the State House? Is there no limit to any of it?”

I always love questions such as this. Picture a croissant-eating vegan

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Ted Nugent Schools Piers Morgan On The Second Amendment

’nuff said

What The Heck Is An “Assault Weapon?”

“Hoplophobia is a mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them.”—Col. Jeff Cooper.

Colonel Jeff Cooper: USMC, Firearms Instructor, Writer

Gun Grabbers are seeking an, “Assault weapons” ban in knee jerk response to the heinous and dreadful Newtown Massacre. There is little discussion about Adam Lanza or the victims from whom he lawlessly and barbarically snatched life.

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly likes to refer to these black scary guns as, “Heavy weapons” (and still we have no clear and articulate definition on what heavy weapons are) So exactly what is the anatomy of a black scary gun these gun banners seek to vanquish from our hands?

The term, “Assault Weapon” is a redundancy created to assist an anti-gun pathos.  The definition of Assault in its simplest form is, “a physical attack.” A weapon defined in simple terms is, “any device used to injure, defeat, or destroy.”

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