We’re Not Coming For Your Guns

common-sense gun safety?

“Nobody is coming to take your Guns.”  Who said it? Actually, I should ask, “Who said it first?” Here in the Granite State, The answer would be most of the Democratic Candidates who have run for public office within the last ten years. The short answer is that nearly everybody said it.

Yet, here they are, marching toward full gun control and full registration of firearms. History is a mindful teacher, telling us that eventual gun confiscation will follow. Looking back fifty or more years, we witnessed this in England, Australia and most recently, New Zealand.

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Lunch With Sociologist Opining About Guns

“We’re uncomfortable about considering history as a science. It’s classified as a social science, which is considered not quite scientific.”  —Jared Diamond

Multivariate Social ScientistI had lunch recently with a close friend with whom I attended college some years ago. He continued his education and is now a PhD. He is not a “lefty” sort of guy, but he isn’t a conservative-libertarian either. But with Social Scientists now weighing in on the gun debate, attempt to convey clarity, ambivalence is the net product.  In our conversation over lunch he conveyed his thoughts about guns. Specifically,  this thought:

“All too often following one of these mass shootings that garners national attention, the attempt to meaningfully discuss solutions to gun violence in America is muted and we fail to find any meaningful consensus regarding what we as a society can do to address gun violence.”

To qualify his remark he added,

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They Don’t Want To Take Our Guns Away?


Not Exactly William Loeb III’s N.H. Union Leader Anymore

“I would rather have a competent extremist than an incompetent moderate.” Leon Jaworski

Remember Me?

In life change is inevitable. Sometimes change is good. Other times, change is not so good. Then there are times where change is merely a change that we might individually do not care much for.

The New Hampshire Union Leader, once a reliably conservative publication established in 1863 out of the Frank Knox moderation strain, (moving decidedly right under the leadership of William Loeb III and Bernard J. McQuaid)  is now part of a “new media era” sometimes showing

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