The NHRVC Is On The Move

The New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition (NHRVC) was founded in the wake of the November 2008 elections to recruit, train, and support GOP activists and campaign volunteers in New Hampshire.   Our mission was to build  a grassroots coalition of highly motivated activists working to elect principled Republicans who stand for low taxes, fiscal responsibility, free enterprise, individual liberty, and most importantly, the U.S. and NH Constitutions.

We grew from just a handful of people trading emails on a Yahoo group to over 4000 members of our Facebook Group, an accomplishment for which I take no credit myself.  But as we have grown, and each of our lives has changed, other factors have made it imperative that we find new and efficient ways to coordinate and consolidate these efforts.  It has also become apparent that we are duplicating work being done by other grassroots groups in New Hampshire.  So while the mission is still as relevant as ever, to continue that mission effectively the NHRVC must adapt.

On Monday, March 26th, there will be a press release outlining how we can and will continue to operate “as a grassroots coalition of highly motivated activists working to elect principled Republicans who stand for low taxes, fiscal responsibility, free enterprise, individual liberty, and most importantly, the U.S. and NH Constitutions.”   We will no longer be called the NHRVC.  In fact the Yahoo! group, Twitter, Blog, and Facebook portals have already been shut down.  But beginning on Monday I will be inviting every member (through Facebook) to continue their involvement in pursuit of the same aims, to whatever degree suits you, under a new banner.   We will be able to re-engage in the same  debates on Facebook and start thousands of new ones, share important links and commentary on Twitter, and use our “boots on the ground” mentality to stay connected and connect to principled ideas and principled Republicans in New Hampshire and across the nation.

So pack your “boots” ladies and gentleman.  We are on the move.   It is time “to institute new Government (so to-speak), laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”  To which I would add, our continued growth and effectiveness.

I look forward to your continued involvement and our continued success.


Steve MacDonald
Vice Chairman and Assistant Director/New Media
New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition

Nov 2008 – March 2012*


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