Part of the Problem

The result each time is more government, more debt, less freedom

We have replayed this time and again… and time and again. First, the government causes a problem. Next. they declare the problem they are the cause of, a crisis. Then, the government raises taxes and usurps more of our freedom. The government then bills itself as the solution.

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State Seal of NH

Budget Season in New Hampshire

Figures lie and liars figure. The New Hampshire State Senate has passed a 2 year $13 billion state budget. The last state budget was $11 billion. Now maybe you are getting 9% per year raises… but most of us are not. Those living on fixed incomes most certainly are not. New Hampshire is one of … Read more

Promise, Tax, Grow Government, Borrow, Grander Promises, Until…

Promise me this… The Donkey’s running for President are locked in battle. Socialists all, they are competing to become the candidate who promises to give away the most tax dollars of yours. They are promising to give away everything to anyone who might be a potential voter whether or not they are a citizen. Why … Read more

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