“I also wanted to mention the strange feeling that I awoke with today….and I share your sense of – not unease necessarily, but maybe – resolve..?“
Words from my fellow Groksters that stirred me to write a message back:
My fellow Groksters,
There was a reason why each and everyone of you was chosen and asked to write for GraniteGrok. I also believe that there was a reason why each and everyone of you said yes – you all realized that we ARE in a Cold Civil War, that “the strange feeling that I awoke with today” one that is “instinctive” and “palpable” are real. I started this blogging schtick with Doug back in 2005 when it was just a novel way to get our rather opinionated opinions out there. Now, I see that there was a Higher Purpose that yanked us into this place, and what we do now as the ‘Grok is probably far more important than what I ever thought. Liberty and Freedom.
This July Fourth, we realize we are at a tipping point – a very important one. We are in a fight for our Country’s future; the line has been drawn, and we either are those that just drift along or we respond that that “instinctive” and internal sense that something is awry. If not us, then who? Who will run to the ramparts to defend our Shining City on a Hill? Who will stir themselves from the easy life and the easy way? Who will say “I will put away the couch, the tv, the toys, and my family” and look deeper into their core to say “There is more; I am a descendent of our Minutemen – if not by blood but by that same love of country and Ideals”. I will stand, not for the Old World based failed reasons that motivated my ancestors to leave the Old Country, but for the Rights given to me by my Creator. I am that new Minuteman that refuses to give in to the Progressives that not only defend the Statism of that Old World but wish to entrench it here. Millions have died to defend the philosophy expressed in the Declaration of Independence – yet, Progressives are fighting to redefine those words and ideas, turn them upside down, and say that they are the Patriots and we are the extremists. They are the Fifth Column, the Trojan Horse, spreading rot within all of our institutions and Society.
But all of you Groksters and others that join with us in spirit (TEA Party, 9-12, constitutionally aware), are now are saying “You have gone far enough – and we will stop you”. Some of you have already done your part; you took the oath, did the training, did the hard work, and literally fought for us. We who stayed home did other things, vaguely aware that you were on the parapets standing guard and keeping us safe. Yet, even with your tours long over, have come back to the fight once more. Not with a gun (though you have such at the ready, with the spirit to lift it) but with keyboards, voices, and heart. We who did not wear the uniform now join you in this different fight, side by side with you, ready to now do our part.
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