Biden Admin Follows COP28 Promise to End Fossil Fuels With Massive Oil/Gas Lease Sale

On the 2020 Presidential campaign trail – what of it there was – Joe Biden promised to end fossil fuels. True to form, Whoever is Running the Biden Administration has – since day one – acted toward that end. Joe’s administration has been US history’s most hostile to affordable energy.

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Wind mills hoockes to fossil fuel supply

These Wind Turbines Need Diesel Generators and Often Draw Power Instead of Generating It…

Aside from the hundreds of billions in misguided government support, wind power doesn’t have much going for it. It is not clean or green. It kills bats, birds, and now whales. And in Scotland, they’ve had to admit that without diesel generators to warm and back up the turbines, they might work at all.

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Screen-Grab Guy gas pump Bloomberg News Tweet

Donkey Party: Raising Gas Taxes Was a Moral Imperative, Now “Lowering” Them Is …

Every time Republicans suggest lowering a tax, Democrats lose their minds. Tobacco, Meals, Vehicle, Real Estate, pick a tax, any tax. It is irresponsible—bad policy. Women will starve, and children will die. Cats and dogs, living together!

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Cave caveman pre-hitory new york city backdrop

Lawmakers Want to Force Harvard to Divest from Fossil Fuels but Why Stop at Half-Measures?

A group of distraught Dems in Massachusetts have discovered that the State Legislature has the constitutional authority to make changes at Harvard. The University. With an over 40-billion-dollar endowment, think of the possibilities.

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Fracking Pennsylvania

Democrat Anti-Fracking Arguments Would Cost Jobs and Pennsylvania (again)

Western Pennsylvania’s energy workers hoped to communicate with the Democrat presidential candidates. The workers wanted the chance to defend the way they make their living. Their intention was to open a line of communication before the candidates decided to go to war against shale.

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