Parallel to the hottest heated hotness ever narrative are the ‘wildfires’ raging across the landscapes of countries where it is also hot. But much like many of the fires blamed on global warming, the culprit – while human influence – is arsonists.
Forest Fire
Where There’s Smoke There’s Canada Which Is Officially a Public Health Menace to Granite Staters
The Great Dominion (see also the Great White North, that’s Canada) is boiling away and suffering epic droughts due to climate change – depending on who you trust for news. This has resulted in a record number of forest fires, 70% of them caused by lightning strikes.
US Forest Fire Data Tampering – They Dissapeared 57-Years of Inconvenient Truth
Is the Director of The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) named Winston Smith? In Orwell’s 1984, Smith’s job was to rewrite history on demand. The NFIC, now answering to Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA), has tampered with forest fire data.
If a Leftist Yells “Forest Fire!” In a Crowded Social Media Group Show Them This
It has become an annual tradition. Dry season equals forest fires equals leftists blaming CO2 (and your reckless lifestyle) for burning acreage. It’s not true, but never more so than this year. At least, according to the National Interagency Fire Center.
Canadian Wind Farm Project Starts Forest Fire -Trudeau Uses Fire to Push Global Warming
German Hillary’s girlfriend Justin Trudeau has been caught Green-handed. He tweeted a picture of a forest fire as justification for his global warming carbon tax. The fire was started at the site of Ontario’s largest wind project.