Republicans must not cower in the face of Democratic treachery

From the very beginning, Democratic lawmakers made it clear they intended to oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Deeply enmeshed in the resistance movement and anti-Trump hysteria, the rationale for their opposition is clear. Kavanaugh is a conservative judge, nominated by a president they revile. Their desperation to derail his nomination was made apparent during the recent chaotic confirmation hearings.

Nothing was disclosed during those hearings that disqualified Judge Kavanaugh, and to the contrary, objective viewers perceived him as an eminently qualified nominee, of the highest moral character.

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Ford you say? All that talk about Obama saving the domestic car companies?

by Skip

This caught my eye over at Instapundit:

FORD HELPED MOST BY GM, CHRYSLER BAILOUTS? Bet you didn’t see this coming! A new Rasmussen survey of consumer sentiment finds that a clear majority of those interviewed are more favorably disposed to buying a Ford product because the famous automaker did NOT go hat-in-hand to Washington for a bailout in 2008, as did General Motors and Chrysler. Since it’s about my two favorite issues, cars and politics, I, of course, have an opinion on these developments!

The Rasmussen poll is here.  I tend to agree.  My second car (but my first car love) was my ’67 Camaro.  My mom thought it was a “nice little car”; she had never heard the phrase “muscle cars” (or never let on that she did).  The new incarnation of it looks really nice but I’d never consider buying it new just on the idea that Obama, with his sham GM bankruptcy, gave the UAW lots of  $$ already (stiffing the Sr. Bondholders in what has turned out to be just the first onset of his “Rule of Lawlessness”) so why should I give them more?

Well, living where we do, on the side of a mountain here in central NH where it snows and ices up often, we really needed to go back to having at least one 4wd vehicle in the family. So I, like those in the poll, went to a Ford dealer to start looking at new cars – even though I had loved our Suburban (and for other reasons, kicking myself for having sold it off a year ago and downsized to one car, our Saab 9-5) and started looking seriously at a Ford Edge.

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