Hypocrisy Gangnam Style

“That’s called hypocrisy, you shuck face piece of -!” —James Dashner, The Maze Runner

Park Jae-Sang also known as, “PSY” of Gangnam-Style Fame -Jakarta Post

I am confused here. I think I need to recap some facts as one who has served in the United States Military.  Moreover, I think Park Jae-sang, the artist also know as “PSY” of Gag-em-style fame…(or is that Gangnam?)…oh whatever the hell it is…I think he played Hooky from school on History day.

On 25 June 1950, North Korean Communist forces crossed the 38th parallel, sparking what liberals like to call, “The Korean Conflict.” We all know however, it was a war. Driving back communist forces all the way to the Yalu River, prompted the People’s Republic of China to enter the war.  After three years of bloody fighting, an uneasy armistice  was inked on27 July, 1953. The Armistice brought fighting to a conclusion and established the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North Korea and South Korea. To this day, U.S forces still occupy the two and a half-mile wide DMZ with minor skirmishes taking place from time to time.

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About that Outsourcing…

“Nothing like being scolded by a hippie.”  —Sarah Dessen

President Barack Hussein Obama, the Outsourcer-in-Chief

Yet another campaign ad from Obummer accusing Mittens of outsourcing jobs. Fact-Check.org, as well as the other pundits have weighed in on this issue, “yet they still fiddle.” Does Fisker Automotive  come to mind?

And what about outsourcing? What is the deal with outsourcing? Does anybody ever think about the concept beyond the fact that outsourcing is done for the pursuit of lower costs and cheaper labor? We certainly need to.

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The Shrill Kathy And The Birthers

“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” —Benjamin Franklin


Kathy Sullivan is not only dishonest, but she is also a rank charlatan. The Shrill Kathy is the epitome of moral bankruptcy when it comes to New Hampshire politics.  In the UL today she quips, Why does Speaker O’Brien not call out his birthers? placing responsibility for the less than savory behavior of a few legislators squarely on his shoulders. So, let’s be clear about this because whatever “this” is, amounts to nothing more than  another wanton pedestrian rant of the Shrill Kathy.

In prior writings, The Shrill Kathy calls out O’Brien alleging that he fails to respect the process and ignores long-standing rules. Yet here we see a circumstance where Orly Taitz asked for access and redress (due process) that our rules mandate must be provided.  And the Shrill Kathy takes O’Brien to task for not stifling that process. Make up your mind! Sulli-Shrill… Which is it? O’Brien squelches? or O’Brien observes?

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Inebriated William Jasmin Who Fell Out Of A Tree Stand Drops His Lawsuit

“A lawsuit is a fruit tree planted in a lawyer’s garden.” —Italian Proverb


William Jasmin of Manchester, the drunk, non-licensed hunter who sued a landowner following his own demise in falling from a tree stand, has dropped his lawsuit.

Jasmin suffered partial paralysis when the tree stand he attempted to enter failed, causing him to fall. Jasmin initially proffered in his original pleadings that he was “hunting” but in August amended his pleadings to assert that he was, “scouting.” while present on the land owned by Charlie Corliss, of Epsom,

Jasmin friend Randy Howe had said Corliss had given them permission to use the tree stand, however,  Jasmin’s lawyer now asserts the friend had spoke to someone else who mistakenly believed it was on his property.

This very case stirred concerns and tensions within the hunting community that farmers, foresters and other large landowners might potentially close their property to hunting and other recreational uses, for fear they could be potentially held liable for recreational injuries.

Jasmin’s lawyer B.J. Branch, told The Associated Press, “this suit was never about access to land; The suit was about holding the owner of a defective product accountable.” Baloney! This suit was about William Jasmin finding the deepest possible pockets to compensate him for his own failures to act responsibly, ethically and within the laws of this state. And, while doing this, he was willing and ready to throw the entire hunting community under the bus. Eighty percent of all available hunting land is private property in New Hampshire. Clearly, this lawsuit became about access.

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The Class Warfare Of Blue Hampshire

Caitlin fails to do an effective case study on wealth and liberalism while she waves a finger at Bill O’Brien because if she looked hard enough around the Granite State she would see the utter rank hypocrisy of leftists and their verbal articulation of progressive policies, while pursuing within their own personal lives a hard-core capitalist modus operandi that would make even Milton Friedman blush.

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