Opportunism Knocks

“Criminals obey “gun control” laws in the same manner politicians follow their oaths of office.” – Anonymous

As we ramp up for the onset of the Political season, there are no shortage of the endless examples of those seeking public office working feverishly to define themselves to curry votes with core constituencies. This aspect is never more stark than with gun groups, a favorite target of Republicans and conservatives.

As I roll through my Facebook account, politicians trolling for favor are never more obvious anywhere than to Gun people. Those of us in the Second Amendment Advocacy column truly appreciate the positions taken. We can remain confident that those running for office are on our side. And we do appreciate it. 

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Kristin Ruggiero Ex-boyfriend Gets State Prison

“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.” —Buddha

Last Friday, The Union Leader’s Jim Kimble reported that #KristinRuggiero ex-boyfriend #BrendanBisbee received a 2 to 4-year state prison sentence for his role in trying to have Kristin’s ex-husband Jeff Ruggiero jailed. Amidst speculation that Bisbee might receive a suspended sentence and probation, Kristin’s mother Elizabeth “Kim” McDonald still faces charges, along with Jeff Ruggiero’s estranged brother Daniel.

Brendan Bisbee was a ten-year veteran of the Barre Massachusetts Police Department. Now, Brendan Bisbee is commorant of the New Hampshire State Prison. Bisbee received a two to four-year sentence in state prison following his October 21 conviction on five counts of perjury; for his role in the conniving, lying, and bad behavior of his ex-girlfriend Kristin Ruggiero, when he perjured himself during both the investigation and at her May 2009 trial.

Kristin Ruggiero framed her ex-husband Jeff Ruggiero, having him jailed for threats she alleged came from him.  Kristin had purchased a disposable cell phone and engineered the threats to appear as originating with Jeff Ruggiero.  The Rockingham Superior Court sentenced Kristin to 7 to 14-years in State Prison for her falsifications.

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