Hodes + BP + Lobbyist + Rhetoric

Hey That's My SubsidyNo one doubts that BP has a responsibility to clean up after themselves but Paul Hodes has taken the opportunity to play word games and politics. Yesterday he announced that because of BP’s complicity in the release of the Lockerbie Bomber they are no longer entitled to the tax cuts the government gives them out of the goodness of its frozen black little heart. Hodes calls them ‘Tax subsidies. ‘

That is lib-speak for money you legally earned that the government lets you keep. Imagine a mugger leaving you a twenty for cab fare after he takes everything esle including your car keys. That twenty is a subsidy provided by the mugger to you. Hodes is the mugger and he has decided that BP is not entitled to the money it legally earns–and likely needs to stay solvent to help pay for that mess down in the gulf.

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Poznanski, Leishman, Eaton, Et al

Terri Norelli isn’t all that interested in ethics.  In the past few months, several potentially high-profile cases have gone softly into that good night with as little pomp as possible.

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Hypocrats (again)

Being a liberal means never having to do better than whomever you can find that can be shown to be as bad or worse than whatever it is you are being accused of.  This, courtesy of Mike Brunelle, NHDP XO, as reported in this morning’s Union Leader, where Comrade Brunelle dismisses a request by the … Read more

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