Oil rig sunset

The State of Vermont is Suing Four Major Oil Companies ‘cuz Climate Change

The Land of Bernie Sanders must have too much time on its hands. It has decided to sue four major oil companies. The state is alleging that “they misled the public about the impact their products have on climate change.”

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Locally Cited Environmental Group Linked to Effort to Use State AG’s to Silence Dissent on Climate

New Hampshire’s Enviro-weenies love to quote the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). More union than concerned scientists they are another well-funded far-left activist group. And they’ve just been implicated in a pay to play to sue scandal of sorts.

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Exxon Suing Environmental Cabal That Tried to Sue Them Over Climate Change

Exxon continues to punch back at detractors looking to make a name for themselves by filing environmental conspiracy lawsuits against the energy giant.

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