
The Anesthesiologist Always Wins

Albany New York Medical Center Emergency Room: 1987 – The urology resident waited for the hospital administrator’s decision on whether to reattach the severed penis. Several hours prior, a psych patient managed to break open a safety razor and severe his penis at its base.

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Biden Fiddles as Washington Burns

As we approach the debt ceiling, the Republican position seeks substantial spending cuts, which the Leftists have been unwilling to accept. An agreement will require bipartisan action. President Biden did not have time in his schedule to address the issue last week.

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biden ice cream cone

Joe, Sometimes You Just Have To Do The Right Thing

Joe Biden has been in the political game for so long, he knows no way of handling an issue than making it a political football. The debt ceiling is looming, and rather than sit down with leadership and work on the problem, he goes to the microphone and blames the MAGA Republicans. That is Joe’s … Read more

John Durham

When Will We Wake Up And Get Livid

After four years and millions of dollars, John Durham released his 300-page report on Monday, laying out the conspiracy between Democrats, the Democrat National Committee, the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the media to fabricate a bogus scenario to attack and damage Donald Trump by manufacturing a fantasy relationship between Trump and the Russians. … Read more

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