
Will Windham, NH Produce the Spark Where the 2nd American Revolution Begins?

Questions regarding election irregularities in the swing states have raised concerns with many Americans.  But NH officials have remained steadfast in their convictions the state’s elections were safe and accurate. Those statements have come under tremendous scrutiny after the recount results of the Windham State Rep race were off by nearly 10% from election night.  That represents the largest unexplained discrepancy IN THE HISTORY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE.

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SHOCKING PROOF!!! CHINA CAUGHT Hacked Into Fulton County, GA Voting Machine – DURING Live Votes Being Cast!!!

After hearing about the “Russian Collusion” hoax for nearly four years, it’s hard to believe there could be foreign interference in an American election.  But that is what happened on November 3rd, and it is happening again in the Georgia Senate run-off races.  The difference now, is that the foreign interference is real – and it is coming from China.

The latest discovery was made when Jovan Hutton Pulitzer’s white hat technology team easily hacked into a Fulton County, GA voting machine during a 12/30/20 Georgia Senate Sub-Committee Hearing on Elections.  Upon gaining read and write access to the voting system, Hutton’s team discovered the Dominion voting machines were also simultaneously CONNECTED TO CHINA!!! 

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Nefarious Dominion Voting Machine Chain of Custody In Milton, Georgia

Sidney Powell and her team have done an extraordinary job of gathering and presenting evidence in their monumental effort to expose the attempted overthrow of America by rigging the 2020 Presidential election. On Wednesday, Powell filed complaints in Georgia and Michigan.  The Georgia complaint can be downloaded here. Related: BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Powell’s KRAKEN Released In … Read more

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Powell’s KRAKEN Released In Georgia AND Michigan!

Attorney Sidney Powell filed the highly anticipated complaint of massive election fraud in Georgia late yesterday.  The 104 page complaint cites the use of software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems, Sequoia Voting Systems and Smartmatic, whose technologies are widely used in American elections – and in all of the battleground states where complaints of … Read more


OUTRAGEOUS!Dominion Voting Systems HELPED WRITE CISA’s Statement, “The November 3rd Election Was the Most Secure in American History.”

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is part of the Department of Homeland Security.  CISA released a “Joint Statement from Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees” on November 12, 2020. That statement disputed ALL ALLEGATIONS of election fraud. What the agency failed to disclose is that they … Read more


Rampant Election Fraud Exposed!!!

Did you know the data that is displayed to the public on election night is stored with date and time stamps in real time?  And that the data can be retrieved in the future and used as an audit trail to analyze and reveal vote manipulations such as…

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