I keep wondering – if our military’s main mission to kill people and break, why are they so bent on doing social engineering? I listened to the Eldest and the Youngest (both combat vets – Marine / 101st) as first “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” goes by the board – neither had nice words on that at all. In fact, the report back at the time was that many of those in his squad would not re-enlist (in fact, I remember seeing a recent poll of enlisted which, if true, means that the Army and Marine will have little problem in reaching the Obama downsizing projections). Most recently came the info that women would be able to fill combat roles in the infantry (including the elite forces) – immediately the Youngest’s first retort was “look how beat up my body is from my year of full time combat patrols – at 26. There is no way that a 5’5″ – 130 lb woman is going to consistently ruck a 120 lb pack for miles in the mountains at 8 – 10,000 feet altitude and still be as effective as they guys. Sure, we got hurt and we had all kinds of stress injuries that slowed us down – but I’m 220 and 6’1″ and can better haul that gear.”
He then added – “glad I’m out.”
Well, the soon departing SecDef Leon Panetta has decided to make yet another huge social engineering experiment – and providing an object lesson in Progressive discrimination in how they veiw gays vs straights: