Mayor de Blasio told Brazil’s President if he isn’t vaccinated for COVID to stay home rather than come to the U.N. meeting with the other world leaders. The President of Brazil has already had COVID and now has a natural immunity which according to the “science” outlasts and is better than the man-made vaccines.
Articles tagged as
The Lawless Congressional Leadership
We’ve all seen the viral video of the Speaker of The House, Nancy Pelosi seemingly tearing up her slide deck in a fit of pique. Representative Paul Gosar calling for bringing her up on ethics charges had a lot more going for his take on events than most of us because Speaker Pelosi destroyed an official document on national television.
Patriots… Give Back the Name and the Colors
The New England Patriots haven’t been able to make time to visit the White House since winning the Super Bowl. It does not look like they will so anytime soon. My guess is they will not fit it in their busy schedule at all. But since February they haven’t been able to find a half … Read more