Rep. Testerman’s Explanation Makes No Sense

I have read Dave Testerman’s explanation for voting to kill HB 396. It makes no sense. I understand the purpose of HB 396 to be to make it clear that New Hampshire law does NOT require schools to allow biological boys into girls’ bathrooms, lorckerrooms, or to participate in girls’ sports. From Cornerstone: HB 396 … Read more

NH State Rep Dave Testerman – what our education system SHOULD be teaching.

Note: emphasis mine  -Skip

Dave TestermanThis is the 46th of my letters as your Representative.  Everyone has an opinion regarding schools and education in Franklin.  I spoke at a City Council meeting last week and attended a meeting on the schools but I want to talk about how some people prepare to serve as a legislator and what you can do to be an informed NH citizen.

My wife interviewed a young, former State Representative who gave his story about his preparation.  He began his study with the founding documents, the US Constitution, the New Hampshire Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.   He realized there were many references to other documents so he read Bible and then he went to the Federalists Papers and Anti-Federalist Papers, Black’s Law Dictionary, Bastiat’s The Law, and de Toqueville’s Democracy in America. Now this seems like overkill.  But upon reflection perhaps it was because he was serious about his role and probably because he was home schooled.

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