From DaTecguy’s blog, an excellent post on Neo-crats–my word not his. He compares the Old Democrats to the new with a little help from some other great sources…
When Democrats lose, that’s not a coup, that just means you lost this years elections. Don’t blame it on the Koch brothers, Halliburton or anyone else, sometimes the voters don’t like you. The Republicans spent 40 years in the wilderness until Election 1994 (Congressional elections not Presidential ones) — not one Republican thought of changing the rules or the constitution.
It has been ever so, when the GOP took the congress in 1994 Peter Jennings called it a temper tantrum, for eight years the left insisted that George Bush was not legit and when in 2010 the voters threw out the democrats America is dumb.
I’ve been writing about the elites and Feudalism since 2009. Because they see them selves as our betters their actions are no surprise.
…and links to the other good stuff…