Data Point – So, how many people DO believe Obama’s economy is?

Tim humorously has been asking "How bad is Obama’s economy?"  Seems like Tim has been getting people a thinkin’ about it: (H/T: Gallup) President Obama has said he’s got a plan, a good plan, but he’s going to wait until after his vacation amongst the hoity-toity on the Vineyard to tell the little people about … Read more

Gallup – Monday, Obama was at 39% approval

So, where does he rate with respect to other Presidents at the same spot during their tenure? GHW Bush: 71% Eisenhower: 70% Kennedy: 61% GW Bush: 60% Truman: 55% Ford: 53% Nixon: 49% Johnson: 48% Clinton: 46% Reagan: 44% Carter: 33% I guess Carter is still praying a little bit more…and it may be working: … Read more

Data Point – Level of Christianity in the United States

From an post at The Corner actually concerning David Gregory of Meet The Press on his disbelief that anyone really believes God works in individual lives: "…according to an ABC News poll, a full 83 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christian and, according to a Brandeis University study, 90 percent of Americans pray daily … Read more

Data Point – how fast as Obama sped up Federal spending?

So, what did Obama say about "balance" again?   I’m thinking this level of spending increase is neither fair not balanced. (H/T: Greg Makiw)

Data Points – The market

Sure, Congress averted a default – but for all the drama and hoopla, the market is looking what really counts in fulfilling the phrase "the business of America is business".  Unfortunately, the Obama Administration has other ideas so the biz world is telling ObamaWorld that it’s policies suck. In essence, the Obama laser’s for his … Read more

Data Points – Corporation for Public Broadcasting

Corporation for Public Broadcasting salaries.  Public service does have volunteer, teeny, tiny, small, substinence, adequate, middle class, comfortable, getting up there, large, more than many of us will earn in 10 years compensation: Morning Edition host Renee Montagne: $405,140 Weekend Edition Saturday host Scott Simon: $364,465 All Things Considered anchor Robert Siegel: $358,653 Morning Edition … Read more

Data Point – Poverty is NOT what you might think (US Government Data)

It has been often said that the poor in the US are not really poor – only in contrast to the rich in the US could that be applied.  Using another measurement, more of our "poor" are actually materially richer than the middle class in Europe and far better off than most when compared to world wide conditions.  From Heritage (who used US Government data to put these infographics together):


Compare those statistics; certainly not the wide disparity in ownership that I would have expected.  So, it is a difference in quantity of material goods or just in quality of them?  And compared to the amenities nowadays, many of them did not even exist as I was growing up in my middle class neighborhood.

Some snippets that caught my eye from the Heritage post:

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Data Point – Let’s add in House Size

A follow on to the comparison of All US household material wealth to Poor US household material wealth is the comparison of the sizes of various countries’ houses. From ApartmentTherapy:   US: 2,300 sf Australia: 2,217 sf Denmark: 1,475 sf France: 1,216 sf Spain: 1,044 sf Ireland: 947 sf UK: 818 sf

Data Point – Job picture BEFORE Obamacare enacted / Job picture AFTER Obamacare enacted

Do you see that plateau…..?  Certainly, there are a whole host of other things going on that can affect that but my, it does at least look fairly locked in timewise.  Heritage adds: Businesses with fewer than 50 workers have a strong incentive to maintain this size, which allows them to avoid the mandate to … Read more

Data Point – Am betting that Obama has had a hand in making that rightmost blue section grow so fast…

From Business Insider: Basically, it looks at total issuance of AAA-rated credit by year. You can see there are twin peaks: First in 2005 and 2006, during the worst of the housing-related excess, when garbage was repackaged into AAA, and then following that AAA-rated issuance peaked again when governments bailed out the financial sector. So … Read more

Data Point – Obama’s Annual Deficits

So when does Obama man up to his own deficits?  (H/T: Gateway Pundit)

Data Point – if we’re so slow, how can we use so much?

There are those that complain that other countries are FAR superior to the US in terms of Internet acceptance as well as local Internet speeds and coverage.  These arguments are especially vocal over at the FCC with the Net Neutrality brouhaha going on – Government MUST take over control, as we are behind! Over at … Read more

Data Point – Scary news for homeowners that haven’t looked at a “For Sale” circular lately

For most people, especially the middle class, this should scare the bejesus out of them.  It basically states that your most precious fiscal asset us worth a whole lot less to families than you think.  In fact, 1/2 as much. (H/T: Business Insider)

Data Point – And you’re wondering why 5 of Obama’s top economists decided to “pursue other areas of interest”?

Consider this as a promise "unkept": (H/T: Economic Policies for the 21st Centure) Which leads to this graph: (H/T: Clusterstock )

Data Point – Job Market

(H/T: ClusterStock) A "normalized" version of the above, from Powerline, that better shows the recessions compared to each other (albeit from March). Obama’s recession IS number one!

Data Points – who owns the Federal Debt?

$6.9 trillion in debt China holds 25% of that 47% -> $1.1 Trillion That is 11% overall of our debt (H/T: The Corner)

Data Points – US Oil sources

Fact: US uses about 20 million barrels of oil per day.  Sources: 49% – domestic 90 countries supply the imported oil – 11.7 million barrels / day: 43% –  Canada, Mexico, Venezuela 2.06 million / day – Canada 1.22 million / day – Mexico 0.83 million / day – Venezuela Only 17% – Middle East … Read more

Data Point: Oops, THAT’S not good – what the gold market thought of The Fed’s head honcho Ben Bernanke during of his first ever Presser.

Gold up, Bernanke down….just call him Mr. Inflation Man…. (H/T: Business Insider)

Data Point – “I will be focused, laser-like, on jobs”! Not great results for this first time Executive…

…who has to actually, you know, show actual results. Not exactly what I’d call "sterling" (heh – a little anti-colonialism humor there) results, eh? Especially when last nite, Herman Cain gave a much higher number at which the US economy SHOULD be producing? How many time has he said that Jobs are Job 1 – … Read more

Data Point: Debt Ceiling? Paying for it? Somebody already is.

With all of the talk of the Fed shutting down because our chuckleheads in DC are pontificating and prevaricating and putting on political aires instead of saying we ARE on the cusp of a crisis like never seen before! And they have no one else to blame but themselves – it is their watch! So, … Read more

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