For the past few years, Ukrainian tech companies find themselves in a challenging position. While contributing significantly to the nation’s economy, they also face heightened cybersecurity risks: due to Russia’s war on the country, many international companies are wary of starting their collaborations with local companies.
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Data Point – How Secure IS Your Password(s)?
My “regular” formats are in 400+ million to 2 trillion years (rightmost column). And I rotate them. Your’s? (H/T Reddit)
Maggie “Biggest Network Breach in Senate History” Hassan Sponsors Cybersecurity Bill
What is it with Democrats and network security issues? The Awan brothers. The DNC Hack. Podesta’s emails. Hillary and her unsecured server. And New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan, who had her Senate Office hacked. Not by Russians, but by Doxxing Democrat staffers.