Yep, in contradiction to Steve’s post “Target, Macy’s, CVS, Home Depot, Starbucks, and Best Buy *Drop Mask Mandates” from a couple of days ago, I can tell you that the Best Buy in Concord, NH still has it’s Mask On operation in almost full-blown mode.
Concord NH
Contagion Theater and Concord’s Cast of Typhoid Mary’s
After ruining Concord’s downtown with expert help, the city is ignoring, from my humble observation, a potential health crisis. Go to WallyWorld or Market Basket and you will see employees wiping down handles on freezers and other objects touched by shoppers.
New Hampshire’s Ilhan Omar – State Rep. Ryan Buchanan?
Who is Ryan Buchanan, really, and is he New Hampshire’s Ilhan Omar? I ask, of course, because Ilhan Omar said “some people did something,” in regards to 9/11. The largest domestic terror attack in our history, killing 2,977 Americans in a few short hours, and minimized it to “some people did something.” This isn’t a … Read more
MONDAY OCTOBER 29 – WATER COMMISSION MEETING in CONCORD If you value your property rights you will attend this meeting of the State of New Hampshire Water Sustainability Commission on Monday, October 29, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services 29 Hazen Drive – Concord, NH
Where “Grassroots” Can Earn You $100.00/Hour
There’s an ad on Craigslist for professional political workers. (the entire ad is on the jump).
Grassroots solutions, which claims to be a national field organization that is all about helping coordinate grassroots political efforts, is hiring people to help Planned Parenthood of Northern New England do door to door canvassing in the Concord and Manchester Area to promote pro-abortion candidates (women’s health)…that would be Democrats. You get $100/hour plus gas allowance.
I have a lot of questions. Like how can it be grassroots if you pay $100.00 per hour? Or, how is it that Planned Parenthood of Northern New England can afford to run this canvassing campaign but can’t run their business model without my tax dollars?