Jeannie Shaheen, Water-Carrier for Communist-China

So here is Josh Marcus-Blank, one of the New Hampshire Democrat’s army of twitter-trolls, whom I often refer to as “Jeannie’s eunuch” because his assigned task appears to be promoting Senator Jeannie and attacking her potential opponents: Jeannie’s eunuch spent much of yesterday attacking one of the GOP Senatorial candidates, General Bolduc, over an assertion … Read more

The ACLU’s Remedy for Wuhan-Virus – Empty the Prisons!

No. Really. I’m not kidding. What about the public’s safety? Well, you are deluding yourself if you think the ACLU cares about the public’s safety. And you are hopelessly naive if you think that the ACLU is being ingenuous. The ACLU wants to do away with prisons. They see Wuhan-Virus as a tool in that … Read more

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