Man is not free unless govt is limited - Reagan

Notable Quote – Robert Higg

by Skip

The most important legacy of the New Deal, however, is a certain system of belief, the now-dominant ideology of the mixed economy, which holds that the government is an immensely useful means for achieving one’s private aspirations and that one’s resort to this reservoir of potentially appropriable benefits is perfectly legitimate. To take – indirectly … Read more

Gender pigeon holes

Blogline of the Day – ONLY two genders affected???

by Skip

Study: COVID-19 Impacts Men, Women More Than All Other Genders Combined All those other 57 genders getting a free ride!  Where’s the “equality” in all this????? BALTIMORE, MD—A new study by Johns Hopkins University found that the novel coronavirus is impacting men and women more than all the other genders combined.  According to the study, 100% … Read more

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