OFA Arrogance With a Touch Of Highway Robbery

The Obama Store ( a website that unlike the Obamacare site works quite well) is having a 40% off sale.  If only they’d try that with the Federal budget we’d be getting somewhere… Showcased front page items include an ‘Organizer in Training’ onesie for $17.50. Shouldn’t that read “Lucky to be alive?” Or how about, “Thanks … Read more

Chevy Volt vs. Health Care

Just a passing observation about the Chevy Volt. It is not a Green vehicle unless by ‘Green’ you mean that it runs by burning through money.  After all, who can actually  afford a $45,000.00 automobile, even with a $7,000.00 dollar taxpayer funded incentive?   The vehicle is barely functional as an electric car, taking longer to … Read more

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