
Inflation Even Hurts the Penguins

A recent video shows penguins at a Japanese aquarium rejecting the cheap fish the aquarium has substituted for the higher quality fish the penguins are used to receiving. The reason the aquarium switched fish is because rampant inflation has made it impossible for the aquarium to afford the higher quality fish.

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Millionaire Elizabeth Warren’s Brother Barely Gets By On Social Security

I get emails with transcripts to the Rush Limbaugh show which I rarely look at but this caught my eye.  Obama’s budget, the White House Budget, is using something called chained CPI, and Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren is upset about that.  She is upset because it could result in her brother getting less in Social Security from the government, which he relies on to live.

Senator Warren has a net worth of over 14 million dollars and she’s upset because Obama’s budget gimmick might cut into the $13,200.00 per year her brother has to get by on.  Compassionate Democrat Millionaire Senator, brother lives on $13,200 from taxpayers.

Here’s what Rush had to say.

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