Since the fall of Kabul, a lot of rats have been jumping ship. I can’t count how many articles I’ve seen from every corner saying we gave Joe plan after plan, and he ignored them. In other words, we did it right. He didn’t listen. But not CBS. They’ve decided to blame you.
Articles tagged as
CBS News
CBS News Interview With Tara Reade, Who Accused Joe Biden of Sexual Assault, Aired in Australia but Not in the US
Is Joe Biden running for Prime Minister of Australia? Has basement Biden gotten the down-under bug? No, but CBS News has. They broadcast an interview with Tara Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. So, why play that in Australia instead of the United States?
CBS Broadside on NYT Kavanaugh Smear Leaves Old Gray Lady a Smoking Wreck
CBS just committed an act of Journalism. The New York Times hit hardest. With the weekend of hyperbolic left-wing ranting about impeaching the Justice Kavanaugh not far behind. And, yes, I said, CBS News.