Minimum Wage is Actually Zero

The Minimum Wage is Actually Zero

If you have no job, you have no wages. When that is the case you are getting the minimum wage. ZERO dollars per hour. Biden has a plan to raise the federal minimum wage to $15. If we go there it will kill over a million jobs according to the CBO. Do you trust your government?

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US Debt

You Can Pay Me Now Or You Will Pay Me Later But You Will Pay

There was a car repair shop commercial years ago which pointed out the dangers of not taking care of normal maintenance in a timely manner. If we keep our cars properly inspected and maintained we avoid more costly major repair bills.

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US Debt

Fed Chair Warns America’s Federal Budget On ‘Unsustainable Path’

Wednesday Jerome Powell issued the caution due to rising levels of federal debt. Federal debt is created when federal spending exceeds federal taxation. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve was addressing the Joint Economic Committee.

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Red Ink Rules

The federal government drools when it come to budgeting The federal deficit was $693 billion for the first half of fiscal year 2019. That is $94 billion more than the deficit recorded during the same period last year. By anybody’s numbers the deficit and our accumulated debt are too large. Quite simply our federal government … Read more

Data Point: Obama Plan – taxes going up for two million additional “victims”

After all, Democrats view everyone (almost) as a victim, right? And horrors – it is all on the Dems that have created this new victim gaggle!  And they state that 30 million folks will NOT be covered (er, wasn’t that the whole point of this boondoggle?) and 6 million (2 million more than planned – “unexpectedly!”) are going to have empty their wallets on the alter of OCare.

The Obama 2012 folks are NOT going to like this next piece of news:  not only are premiums not going down as President Obama promised (yet another Obama Promise hitting its expiration date) but according to the neutral Congressional Budget Office, with its latest scoring, has determined that Individual Mandate TAX is going to raise  taxes on folks making less than $200K/year (yet another Obama promise expired) as Obamacare is rolled out.  Those without healthcare will fall into this ObamaTax if they fall into the following:

  • No healthcare insurance for > 3 months
  • Household income from 138% – 400% of the Poverty Level
  • Household income at => 400% of the Poverty Level

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Another Wheel Off The Bus

Usually the wheels come off the bus before it goes into the ditch. But here we go. Another wheel falls off the Obama bus. (Must be one of the Dr. Seuss buses, given all the wheels this thing is losing). Obamacare, the Patient Unaffordable and Un-accessible (all we really) Care (about is government power) Act will require another 800,000 Americans to give up their jobs. Put another way, it will cost 800,000 jobs.

So when are Shaheen, Ex-Porter (That’s ex congresspersonista Carol Shea-Porter) and Paul ‘Hot Dog’ Hodes going to come out and clear up the record?  They have all argued that the loss of jobs was some right wing fear mongering.

The same CBO the left swore was non-partisan when it claimed the bill would save money, then that it would cost money if we ended it, can’t suddenly be partisan can it?

Obama StoogesThese are democrats.  Of course they can.  So should we wait for the "Big Pharma, and Big Health care" bought the congressional Budget Office narratives?

And how will Obama’s Bureau Of Laboring Statistics every hide another 800,000 lost jobs?  Though they are doing a fine job with the millions they are hiding now–except from the people who are actually unemployed.

So many unanswered questions.

While you are waiting.  Here’s some video courtesy of Town (On the jump) where the CBO admits there will be employment casualties in the war for universal coverage.  Which makes you wonder what would happen if Obama waged war on universal employment?

My bad. He’s already waging that war.

One more distraction before you jump. Queen, the Band? Song–“another one bites the dust;” change the lyrics to..”another wheel off the bus.” CArry that around in your head until November 2012. Ok. Go ahead. Watch the video. I’ll keep quiet. (for a minute)

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