Attention New Hampshire State Reps: Your Voting Record Matters

by James Kofalt

Too many State Reps get away with positioning themselves one way and then voting an entirely different way. On the “R” side of the fence, we always seem to have a handful of Republicans who vote with the Democrat platform more often than they vote with the GOP. CarolynGargasz (R, Hollis) has straddled that line over the years, occasionally falling below a 50% rating from the House Republican Alliance (HRA), and sometimes venturing as high as the mid-fifties.

Judging from yesterday’s results, Hollis GOP voters have finally had enough. After 18 years as State Rep, Gargasz placed a distant fourth in a four-way primary.

This didn’t happen by accident, and it didn’t happen without some effort.

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GrokDebates – yes, we want to do them. We ARE going to do them going forward

Over the years, GraniteGrok has made it part of our Citizen Journalism to cover debates.  One reason is that we like listening (and critiquing) who was there, what was said, and to determine their political philosophies with respect to the NH Constitution, US Constitution, and to date, the NH GOP. We did debates, and covered them in unique ways, that the mainstream press just couldn’t or wouldn’t.  Part of the later is either just a lack of time (on TV News) or space (newspaper “inches” or word counts.  We, on the other hand, have neither limitation.

We also covered debates that they didn’t – they (and often the NH GOP) are only interested in the top of the ticket races: Governor, US Congress, US Senate.  The other races?

Pound sand.  Well, no longer. I’ve been yakking about taking GraniteGrok to the “next” level – debates will be part of that.  While we will still cover other folks’ debates, we believe it is time to do our own.  And we shall.

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Dr. James H. Kelly, M.D. – candidate for NH State House, Hillsborough County District 27

Note: Lt. Col Dr. Kelly is running against  dinosaur RINO, Carolyn Gargasz.  More on this pestilent RINO after the jump.  In the meantime, PLEASE vote for Dr. Kelly!

James Kelly Hillsborough 27

James H. Kelly, M.D.

84 Crestwood Drive, Hollis NH 03049 cell 603•204•7897
Republican candidate for State Representative, Hillsborough County District 27

  • 66 years old, originally from Levittown, New York
  • Bachelor’s degree, University of Vermont
  • M.D. University of Bologna
  • Residency in Family Practice, University of Wisconsin
  • Primary care physician began practicing in Hillsborough county in 1989, Hollis resident since 1999
  • Lieutenant Colonel, New Hampshire Army National Guard, commissioned 2010
  • Deputy Commander for Clinical Services for the state of New Hampshire
  • 2012 deployed Operation Enduring Freedom; 2015 Operation Spartan Shield


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NH House A Gun Free Zone

By a vote of 196 to 153, the New Hampshire House voted to make their little corner of heaven a gun free zone.  Six (r)epublicans voted with the Democrats to ban citizens from carrying firearms in Representatives Hall and the House gallery.   Belknap County – Dennis Fields, Sanborton Carroll County – Karel Crawford, Center … Read more

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