All this crap going on today is because of race and racism – and mostly provoked by race-baiters, especially those that have turned it into a lucrative cottage industry. But like almost anything else, either racism or climate change is the root of almost everything wrong. And lately, it is becoming centered on Whites.
Candace Owens
Candace Owens Wins Legal Fight With Lying Facebook Fact Checker PolitiFact
Facebook plays it just like Elected Dems. Politicians offload responsibility to bureaucrats then feign innocence if something goes sideways. Facebook gives third-party fact-checkers censorship carte-blanch but claims no responsibility for their antics.
The hijacking of Western Civilization – the Barbarians live amongst us and we trained them.
On Sunday’s episode of “The Candace Owens Show,” Candace sat down with author Dinesh D’Souza. They discussed how the left hijacked the education system and exploited George Floyd’s death to further racial division. In this clip, Candace began the conversation with a heartfelt explanation for why she believes the education system in America is a … Read more
Candace Owens – I Do Not Support George Floyd as a Martyr for Black America
Candace Owens has emerged in recent years as a voice for Conservatism (and she’s now an author). She’s a brilliant young woman who fills a vital role in our society. She is one of those Black Americans the Left wants to smear, trash, and destroy, which means she is doing something right.
Implicit in freedom is personal responsibility
Viktor Frankl was a Jewish Viennese psychiatrist who was captured by the Nazis during World War II. He managed to survive four concentration camps, including Auschwitz and Dachau. Frankl went through the ordeal observing human behavior.
#BLEXIT – Black Americans Are Leaving the Democrat Party Plantation
You probably haven’t heard much about this on your local news. And it’s doubtful it is getting much play on cable news either (except perhaps on Fox) but #BLEXIT is a thing, and it could rock the core of the Democrat Party. According to their website, Blexit is “a frequency for those who have released themselves from the … Read more
Notable Quote – Candace Owens
“Attention black America: The last time a mob of white liberals demanded that we believe women without due process, our ancestors were hung from trees. Under no circumstances should we allow this radical feminism to persist,” – Candace Owens (conservative commentator, Communications Director at Turning Point USA) (H/T: Susan)
Throwing the race card
I should do a post on it but it seems that the New York Times decided to hire an Asian lady (/sarc) that hates whites as part of their Editorial Board. Essentially, the NYT finally came clean and said that it was ok to be racist against whites, well, because by definition, only whites can be racists. OK, then!
Er, no – racist is racist no matter what amount of melanin you have in your skin.