AR-15 ex by simonov licensed CC BY-SA 20 OpenVerse

Even in Canada, Gun Owners are telling the Government to Stuff IT on Weapon Bans

Why is it that the Left ALWAYS assumes that anyone that owns a gun, especially the dreaded “assault weapons,” is a raving lunatic just ready to go postal?  You know, like they themselves who yearn to let their raving totalitarianism out of their skulls, souls, and hearts?

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Robert Francis O'Rourke - Beto

Beto-Male Update: O’Rourke Admits His Plan is to Disarm Law-Abiding Citizens

Robert O’Rourke is fishing deep for Democrat primary voters. The 74% who wanted to ban AR-15’s after Parkland. The 74% of Democrats who support a mandatory Government buyback. The 64 percent who think the NRA is a Domestic Terror Group.

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