Tolerance and diversity hint at acceptance like some gender equivalent of the American melting pot. I think we know that’s not how it works, so what does Burger King’s Pride Month Whopper bun-stunt represent?
Burger King
Now who didn’t see THIS coming! “Impossible Burger” sales impossible to keep going.
I’m still waiting for Wendy’s to roll out their “Where’s the BEEF” campaign again… Seriously – while Burger King does sell chicken sandwiches and other stuff, they are a BURGER joint. Burgers – that’s their bread and butter (tee-hee!). Burgers – a bun, condiments – and BEEF! That’s a hamburger and not a “plant sandwich”. … Read more
Lasagna With A Kick….and a Whinny?
This page in history will not be written from the back of a horse, unless of course you are riding a frozen lasagna from Findus, a frozen food manufacturer that has been supplying Britain with lasagna’s made with 100% horsemeat. And while that might be cause for concern to the average frozen-lasagna loving Brit, particularly … Read more
Burger King UK Caught Horsing Around With the Beef in Their Burgers
After denying it for weeks Burger King in the UK has admitted that it did in fact sell burgers tainted with horse meat. It’s supplier is responsible for the “blend” it seems but BK appears to have found out and handled it badly. The Horse meat came from Poland, was processed at a plant in … Read more