Brendan Smith

My Campaign Platform

As I contemplate my next run for governor on the Flatlander Party ticket, I have been paying attention to what some of the “Same old same olds” of the other parties who have already declared their candidacy are using as their campaign platforms.

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Brendan Smith

Why Not?

I received the news while I was enjoying my morning bowl of oatmeal, raisins, and walnuts with a dab of peanut butter. That’s usually my morning quiet time when I get a few minutes to myself and meditate on the coming day.

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Gregg Hough headshot

Yeah, Gregg Hough still hasn’t learned the shovel/hole admonition.

He just keeps angering a whole bunch of folks in the Republican arena lately – unforced errors.  I put a short list together here: Gov. Sununu said he wanted him defeated The NH House Freedom Caucus believes he’s nuts for picking a fight with GraniteGrok The Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap (even after doing their bidding) marked him for … Read more

Belknap County NH logo

BCRC October Meeting: Keynote Speaker: Brendan Smith, Editor of the Weirs Times

Last night was a rather contentious meeting of the Belknap County Republican Party – most because of two agitators (see, I can play the “unnamed” blame game, too). But the details of that will be coming later.

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