Parents child home school homework

Warning to Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro and Ossipee voters

Voters should remember that Democrats voted overwhelmingly against parental rights this last legislative session. I’m not sure when our fundamental rights as parents became a partisan issue. Something happened that caused Democrats to stand squarely against parental rights. Democrats do not consider due process in this decision either. When it comes to your child going … Read more

Governor Wentworth Regional School District

Bobbi Boudman and The Sexual Grooming of Our Very Young Children

This is an open letter to the citizens of the Governor Wentworth Regional School District concerning any potential, blatant pornography and grooming material that may be in our school libraries or online libraries.

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Bobbi Boudman feat im

FACT CHECK: Democrat State Rep Candidate Bobbi Boudman Is a Racist and Misandrist

Bobbi Boudman is a candidate for state representative in Carroll County District 7 (Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro, Ossipee), and we last heard from her after she proposed “Ejaculation Legislation” because she thinks “men should have to have a notarized document to plant their DNA in a female.”

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DNA Puzzle Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Local Democrat Suggests #EjaculationLegislation to Prevent Unwanted Pregnancies

New Hampshire Democrat Bobbi Boudman is running for state rep in Carroll County 7 (Ossipee, Tuftonboro, Wolfeboro), and she’s had a thought about the problem of unwanted pregnancies. Women “can’t share their DNA,” so men’s DNA needs to be regulated.

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