What’s All This Then?

Tom has done Yeoman’s work in bringing us examples of the left wing hypocrisy known as ‘real’ hate speech.  But it’s hard to beat the work done by Michelle Malkin, who has what may be one of the most comprehensive examples (and it is somehow still incomplete) of what motivates the progressives. As you scroll … Read more

Got Hate? The “JohnnyBBad” Edition

Thanks to Fairmind over at Red Hampshire we have this story.  A regular contributor at Boo Hoo Hamster posted what amounted to a death threat against Speaker Bill O’Brien. “I was just in Cahncid driving down Main St. and my car tried to speed up when I saw Speaker O’Lien in the crosswalk…thank God my … Read more

Harry Reid’s Innocent Victims

They are making hay and BS sandwiches over at Boo-Hoo Hampshire, this time about the latest unemployment benefits stalemate.   Dean Barker–the Boo Hoo Guru–had begun by waxing on the CBS news coverage on the latest unemployment extension debate when he decided to lament (or perhaps invent) 30 years of GOP policy crushing the little guy, and how even now they are somehow still pulling the levers to crush them even more.  No I’m serious. 

But the best part is the “Boo-Hoo” hook.

The innocent victims, Mr. and Ms. Joe Taxpayer, won’t get what they need to stay solvent.  And nearly one of ten of them can’t find work.  And that’s not counting the vast underemployed.

The innocent victims!  Well what about that?

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