
A Few Thoughts About the Last GrokMeet!

I ventured into the wilds and attended the Rochester Granite Grok meet-up.  Good time.  I was especially gratified at Skip & Steve specifically mentioning me, and doubly so for actually getting what I’d call a significant amount of applause at that mention.  So, wait, people actually read my stuff?  Kewl!

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Millennial Couple Travel to the Middle East to Disprove Stereotypes – End up In an Iranian Prison

Jolie King and Mark Firkin set out to travel to the Middle East to disprove the western narratives about the unstable region. They haven’t been blogging much about it though. Probably because they have been sitting in an Iranian jail for the past ten weeks.

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Court Rules: Bloggers Same As Journalists

And so are you, for that matter. “The three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held unanimously that there is no difference between a journalist for a media outlet and another speaker when it comes to First Amendment protections.”

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May 4th GrokTALK! The Complete Podcast

It’s the Grok-a-Saurus, Grok-a-Topia, GrokTastic, Grok-a-Palooza. This week the award winning bloggers at GraniteGrok were joined by more Bloggers from GraniteGrok; Susan Olsen, Mike Rogers, and Rick Olson. What did we talk about? Muslims, Stella, Plan B-as part of a complete breakfast, Shertleff, The Flu, Anonymous hate-spewing left wing trolls, death threats, Mountain Dew, Gosnell, … Read more

A Bump On The Road To Unity – some riffs off Steve


Steve’s post brings up a bunch of issues that are well worth your time to read – and as you can tell by the title here, this is a takeoff on it.  He brings up (along with some of my thoughts):

  • Bloggers like us aren’t the problem that former NH GOP Chair Wayne MacDonald believes us to be…

Most political operatives, campaign managers, politicians and El Jefes of the GOP still have little to no clue how to view bloggers even after a decade since the first bloggers started.  Ditto for cooperating with us.  These folks get frustrated, because they quickly find out that not only can they not “use” bloggers, bloggers get extremely annoyed when a dumb attempt is made to actually do so (and make that abundantly clear, which then makes us “the enemy” in their minds because we won’t “go along”).  We may support your issues, and sometimes, we may even be in lockstep in areas, issues, or people important to you , but realize that it is because those things are important to us – not you.  We do a lot of things but mainly we blog and we do a lot of it.  Personally, don’t ask me to do a lot of other things that you think we should be doing; ask how I might be able to help THIS way – not your way or to plug your “need holes”. We may like you as a politician but don’t view us as part of your campaign staff (even if we “make nice” on you often) that you can then believe co-opting might possible.

Jon Henke a few years ago told me what he tells politico type…

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A Bump On The Road To Unity

Will the NHGOP suit up and fight
Suit up…or get out of the way.

As a Blogger I am encouraged by the calls for unity from the NH-GOP leadership.  But I do not believe they have a clue about how to get there from here.  And blaming bloggers is clearly not the answer.  In fact, it is exactly the opposite of “the answer.”  I make that quite clear in the status update I posted on Facebook this morning.

“…the NHGOP is very bad at messaging.  They are terrible at policy support during the session.  They are not aggressive at all when it comes to going after Democrats.  They never use the media resources at their disposal effectively.  And they do a poor job of supporting local candidates.  Meanwhile, ‘Bloggers” are doing all of those things…for free.  But rather than thank me for the 1200 articles a year I might write attacking left wing policy, narrative, legislation, or commentary; or thanking me for supporting the platform, conservative principles, good legislation, or local Republican candidates, they piss and moan like children over the fifteen or so articles where I call out the GOP for acting like progressives.

The first step toward recovery is accepting that you have a problem.  The NH-GOP has a problem and it is not bloggers.

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RightOnline Blogger Roundup 7-17-2012

An official RightOnline BloggerThere were 200 plus bloggers at RightOnline 2012 and I’ve got links to the websites of at least 40 of them.  So I’d like to take some time (as often as I can) to visit them in groups and post whatever they’ve got at the top of the page.  No promises on how often, but I’m optimistic out of the gate.

My thinking is that these folks are more attuned to what is happening in their respective states than most, and they’ll have news and inside stories we’ll never get to see any other way.  And these folks are outstanding and dedicated.  That is certainly worth our attention.

In no particualr Order…

From Sunshine State Sarah

Locked in a tough GOP primary against U.S. Rep. John Mica for an Orlando-area congressional seat, Adams picked up a big-time endorsement that should help her tea party appeal. Sarah Palin gave her first U.S. House endorsement of the year

More on the jump

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RightOnline Bloggers – Write On-Line About Independence Day

RightOnline Bloggers share their Independence day postsThe bloggers of RightOnline 2012–sounds like a bad idea for a calendar–took to the internet yesterday to share some thoughts on the 236th anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence.   And some of those shared  posts with each other.  I thought it would be helpful to compile a few here at GraniteGrok.

Where there was more than on post offered I selected a single article to feature here. This does not necessarily mean it was the best of the lot so I encourage you to browse for these and other excellent observations when you visit.  And feel free to add any or all of these folks to your on-line reading list.

Here are their thoughts or observations in particualr order.

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Top 25 Political Mom’s – Vote By April 4th

Not sure who or why there are any Democrat Mom’s on this list.  I figured they were like Unicorns or perhaps some extinct species we hear about but never see.  But that’s hardly the point of the voting.  The point is to acknowledge moms who have invested themselves in the political debate.  Women with children … Read more

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