Remembering Judd Gregg…Voted Yea To Confirm Eric Holder

Black Panther Voter IntimidationI just mentioned the almost Obama Secretary of Commerce Judd Gregg in my earlier post about the now almost former Secretary of Commerce John Bryson (who has now decided to take a leave of absence), when his Senator Gregg’s name has turned up again.

Michelle Malkin has taken a moment from her busy day to remind us about the 19 Republican Senators who voted to confirm Eric Holder to the not quite so post racial post of US Attorney General, despite having reasons to be suspicious, simply becasue the newly anointed soon to be not so post Racial President asked them.

And Judd Gregg was one of the 19.  Remember?

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The Modern Democrat Party Explained in 175 Words.

Imagine what the left would do if the Koch brothers offered $10,000 dollars for the capture of George Zimmerman because he had shot a white teenager.   George is Hispanic.  He is a registered Democrat.  Paint your own picture of the 24/7/365 echo chamber of outrage this would produce from the left and the media. Imagine … Read more

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