Attention, District 12 Voters: Rep. Ming is a Liar

Way back when Rep. Ben Ming first took possession of Sue Homola’s seat in the NH House, he wasted no time in deploying woke identity politics.  When he bragged in a tweet that he’s the first Asian to have a seat in the House, I replied that I voted for who would have been the … Read more

Night Cap: Vote For Me … I’m Asian And I Want More Abortions

The “Democrat” Party … the party of angry, shrill women and weak, feckless, leaf-eating beta-males. Perhaps no State better exemplifies that than New Hampshire.

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Is Rep. Ming Cozying up to a Predator?

As a potential victim, um I mean constituent, of Rep Ming, I try to keep an eye on his activities.  Yesterday, he tweeted about his support from one of his ilk, former Rep Melbourne Moran Jr, of Wanderlust Therapeutic Services LLC.

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Vote For Me … Because I’m Asian-American

Ben Ming is a State Representative from Hollis who wants a promotion to the State Senate. He says that you should vote for him because he is Asian-American and your vote would help make history.

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