Democrat Who Helped Defund Austin PD Asks for More ‘Police Protection’

My dog Cosmo gets mirrors. He looks into them and knows that the dog he sees is him. Not a threat, and incredibly handsome. He knows this. This awareness does not always translate to windows or shadows.

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Defund the Police You Say … Okay … Now What?

Since May Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists have demanded elected officials “Defund the Police.” Many Democratic-controlled cities followed through with these leftist demands. Today they are experiencing a surge in violent crimes.

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APD uses mounted police to move protesters

ANTIFA Protesters Block Street so Austin PD Sends in the Cavalry – Yes, Horses!

Austin is about as liberal a city as you get east of San Francisco (I read that somewhere) so this is all that much more amusing. A crowd of ANTIFA jerks is blocking a city street. They won’t move. So, what does the Austin Police Department do? They move them with several thousand pounds of horseflesh.

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Texas Flag

Republican Wins “Closely Watched” Special Election in Texas Democrats Labeled a Bellwether

Now that the Democrats have lost what was billed as a Bellwether special election, the narrative will be “actually, it didn’t matter.” It was a Republican seat in a district Trump won by 10 points. Okay, then why did the Left dump gobs of cash to try and flip it if it didn’t matter?

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March for life in Austin, TX

The march for life rally has been happening all over the nation over the last few weeks. Today, was Texas’ turn.

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Hipster Ethnic Cleansing

Get this, a liberal writer pens a piece about how age-stratified her new community is! Duh? She moved to Austin, Texas – a multiple college town of all things. This gal has “community organizer” written all over her. Here is a great quote: “When I go to events and restaurant openings, I see a lot … Read more

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